Purchasing Policies and Bid Procedures
Purchasing Policies And Procedures
The Board of Trustees, governing board of the Pasadena Area Community College District of Los Angeles County (PACCD), otherwise known as Pasadena City College (PCC), has adopted a centralized purchasing concept whereby the District will maintain an actively competitive attitude to obtain the best combination of product quality, price and delivery.
Vendors Interested In Doing Business With The College
Please forward a letter of introduction and any information about your company by mail to 1570 E. Colorado Blvd., Pasadena, CA 91106, Fax (626) 585-7900, or e-mail (See Staff Directory).
Vendor Warning
Purchases made in the name of the District without a Purchase Order shall be considered an obligation of the person making the purchase and not an obligation of the District.
To expedite payment, all invoices shall be submitted in duplicate and include the appropriate purchase order or contract number and shall be directed to:
Pasadena City College
Fiscal Services
1570 E. Colorado Blvd.
Pasadena, CA 91106
Vendor Parking
A temporary parking permit is required for all parking on campus. Permits can be purchased from the parking permit machines located in all designated parking areas. Click here for the current parking rate. Arrangements for a free parking pass can be made with the Purchasing Department, prior to any vendor/contractor visit on campus.
Equal Opportunity
The Pasadena Area Community College Distict is an Equal Opportunity Employer and conducts its business activities without regard to race, color, national origin, ancestry, religious creed, physical disabilities or sex.
Vendors are required to provide Material Safety Data Sheets (M.S.D.S.) from the manufacturer for all products that are hazardous, as defined by Title 8 of the California Code of Regulations.
Formal Bids
Formal advertised bids are required for equipment and supplies exceeding $114,500.00 or an amount as amended at a later date (including applicable sales tax).
Formal bids are advertised in the Pasadena Star News. The ads are published once a week for two consecutive weeks and are found in the Legal Section. Interested bidders may pick up a Bid Package at the Job Walk or on the date indicated. All bidders are required to provide a bid security in the amount specified in the Bid Package.
A Job Walk may or may not be required.
The Bid Opening is open to the public. Its intent is to determine the LOWEST RESPONSIBLE RESPONSIVE BIDDER. Presence is not required although vendors/contractors are encouraged to attend. The evaluation of award may be based upon price, ability to meet specifications, past performance with supplier or contractor, compatibility of bid items with existing equipment or materials and delivery of product or completion of service. All bids will be received ONLY in the Purchasing Services Office, in a sealed envelope identified with the bid name and number, prior to the date and time specified in the Bid Package. The date stamp in the Purchasing Office lobby determines whether or not a bid is received on time. Bids received after the scheduled time will be returned unopened to the bidder.
After bids and supporting documentation have been verified and analyzed, a recommendation shall be made to the Board of Trustees at the following Board meeting.
Hazardous Materials
Contractors transporting hazardous materials on or off campus must submit an approved manifest to the Director of Police and Safety.
General Information
The policies and procedures that govern PCC are found in the codes outlined for the State of California and those policies adopted by the Pasadena Area Community College District's Board of Trustees.
Under law, the Board of Trustees has the ultimate responsibility for purchases and contracts of the District. The Board of Trustees, in accordance with Education Code Section 81656, delegates to the Director of Purchasing the authority to purchase supplies, materials, apparatus, equipment, and services involving expenditure by the District up to, but not to exceed, $114,500.00 for materials and supplies.
All contracts shall be approved or ratified by the Board of Trustees, as evidenced by a motion duly passed and adopted.